Friday, June 21, 2013

National Technical Systems Announces New Product Safety Lab at Plano.

International Approval Capabilities, New Director of Telecommunications To Be Featured at Plano Facility Open House, Customer Appreciation Day

Calabasas, Calif. (Nasdaq: Ntsc) (Nts), an advancing supplier of testing and building administrations, reported today that its Plano, Tx office is constructing another globally centered item wellbeing lab competence and has enlisted its first Director of Telecommunications. The new lab ability and Tom Griffith, the new Director of Telecommunications, will be around the characteristics at the office's open house/customer Appreciation Day on June 28.

The new item security lab, booked for consummation by mid-July, has been intended to uphold clients looking for a wide assortment of global approbations for their fares. The recently made position of Director of Telecommunications will carry another level of center at the Plano office on telecommunications testing and client effort, noted William C.

"We are the advancing aviation, military, business electronic and telecommunications item testing research facility in the Dallas/fort Worth (Dfw) zone and will press on to redesign and develop the office to meet the new requests of the sum of our clients," Mcginnis said. As far as universal item regards, we have made it our objective to be an exhaustive supplier of worldwide item testing and will back our clients in their fare ventures by planning them regarding item wellbeing, particular paperwork and legitimate requests and any possible worldwide necessities. Regarding telecommunications, we have another center to press on to develop the business."

Other offered proficiencies at the Plano office could be vibration trying at amazing temperatures (-300° F to 600° F), salt water inundation testing up to 150 feet profound and radar shirking testing (Dfs test). The office incorporates a 50,000-square-foot fundamental research center with a different 45,000-square-foot help office.

Griffith, 48, an inhabitant of Dallas, has more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications business. He is the author and previous Vice President Sales and Business Development for Dallas-based Bridge Networks Inc., an association concentrated on connecting telecom and information arranges together in the remote nature's turf.

"Our objective is to extend and broaden our work here in Plano in the telecommunications business sector and Tom will help us lead that venture in assembling this business," said John Ngo, General Manager of the Plano office.

The Plano office is spotted at 1701 E. 

Nts Plano has consistence testing offices provided with the most cutting edge test devices and is staffed by test designs with years of experience and the most progressive preparing in remote and wired telecom innovations, and also domesticated and universal item endorsements. The mix of experience and high-end test frameworks gives Nts Plano the capacity to support any association looking to carry items to market with speed and productivity. Nts Plano likewise gives an assortment of Emc/emi/esd administrations to a nearly infinite amount of commercial ventures with smoothness in testing to military, aviation, telecommunications, and other industry determinations.

is an advancing supplier of designing administrations to the aviation, guard, telecommunications, car and high engineering markets. Through a planet wide system of assets, Nts gives full item life-cycle help, offering planet class plan building, consistence, testing, accreditation, quality enrollment and arrangement administration. For supplemental qualified information about Nts, visit the Company's site at or call 800-270-2516.

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