Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Short Questions Answers of Computer History

Q. Define Abacus.

About 3000 BC, abacus was developed in China. It is also called “Counting Frame”. This is the simplest manual device which consists of a wires or rods. Arithmetic calculations are performed by manipulating the beads. The device is used for counting and doing simple arithmetic calculations.

Q. Define Naples’s Bones.

Naples’s Bones:
In 1612, John Napier designed a calculating device called Napier’s Bones, Which consisted of eleven bone or rods with numbers marked on them. Napier’s Bone helped a lot in calculation work regarding multiplication and division of large numbers.

Q. Define slide rule.

Slide Rule: 
Slide rule was invented by Ought red. It was very useful, simple an handy device. It was and analog device consisted of two scales. The division and multiplication of two numbers can be achieved by the morement of the cursor. It was extensively used in many counties by engineers, scientist and accountants.

Q. Define Pascal’s Calculators.

Pascal’s Calculators:
In 1642, a French mathematician Blaise Pascal developed a calculator. It was restricted to perform only addition and subtraction.
Gear Cogwheel and dails were used in Pascal calculator. This machine displayed numbers by rotation of a cogwheel.

Q. Define Leibniz’s Calculator.

Leibniz’s Calculator:
In 1671, Gottfried W.von Leibniz’s invented a calculating machine which could perform multiplication and division Leibniz machine was based on the same principle as Pascal’s calculator with an addition feature of a slider performing the shift mechanism.

Q. Define Jacquard’s Loom.

Jacquard’s Loom:
It was developed by a French textile manufacture goseph Marie Jacquard. It followed a mechanical method of controlling weaving of Looms to [produce complex cloth patterns by using a series of puch card. Punch was the first data storage device used to store data by punching holes in the card.

Q. Define contribution of Dr. Herman Hollerith.

In 1890, Herman Hollerith designed the first electric computing device. He also made use of punched cards in this machine. He also constructed a box to store data and an electronic magnetic counting machine to tabulate data.

Q. Define contribution of Howard H. Aiken.

Contribution of Howard H. Aiken:
In 1948, Howard H. Aiken developed an electromagnetic computer and named It Mark 1. Mark 1 is considered to be one of the first there computer because it could take information and instruction.

Q. Define ENIAC, ECVAC and UNIUAC-1. 

ENIAC stands for Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator was developed in 1946 by John W. Mauchly and J.P Eckert.

In 1950, John Von Newman brought a revolution in computer technology by introduction stored program concept on EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer).

In 1950, UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was developed and very soon its two improved models UNIVAC-1, UNICAV-2 were launched in the market.


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