Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fourth Generation Computers (Technical Education)

The details of this generation are as follows:
The details of this generation is form 1970 till 1981.

Storage capacity was increased and new micro processor was developed.

Micro Processor:
In 1970; a powerful microprocessor chip Intel 8080 was introduced.

Development of Storage Devices:
The 8 inches floppy disk was introduced in 1970 while hard disk was introduced in 1973. First time 5.25 inches floppy disk was used in 1978. The optical disk was developed in 1980.

Development of Input / Output Devices:
Many input/output devices were developed during this generation. For example optical reader, radio response terminal, scanner etc.

First Portable Computer:
First Portable Computer Osborne-1 was marketed in 1981.

Famous Computer of Fourth Generation: 
IBM 3033, IBM 370, IBM System 34/36, CRAY 1, CP/M etc were introduced in this generation.

S.S.I and L.S.I:
These are the abbreviations of small scale Integration and Large Scale Integration. The integrated circuits used in 3rd generation were more developed in the 4th generation and called as S.S.I. After sometimes it was called L.S.I.

Application Area:
In 4th generation, computers were used in mathematical modeling stimulation, electronic funds transfer and computer aided designing.


  • Small in size.
  • Very reliable.
  • Heat generation was negligible.
  • Much faster computation was possible. 
  • No air conditioning required. 
  • Hardware failure was negligible.
  • Minimal maintenance was required.
  • Very easy moreable.
  • Totally for general purpose.
  • Very in expensive.


  • Much sophisticated  technology was required to fabricate IC. 


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