Wednesday, July 24, 2013

History of Mini & Micro Computers


Mini Computer is also a type of digital computer. Its details are as follows:

Mini Computers are small in size. They are smaller than frame computers.

Application Areas:
These compact yet surprisingly powerful computer find their application in business, education and government. These computers can support multiple-users and multiple tasks like mainframes through the use of terminals.

Digital Equipment Corporation and Other Companies:
Digitals Equipment corporation introduced minicomputer in the mid 1960s. Other Companies such as Data general Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, IBM Corporation and Prime Computer also manufacture mini computer.


Micro computer or, as the are commonly called, micros or personal computer (PC’s) were developed in the late 1970’s.

Their popularity or wider usage is due to the development in micro electronics and the innovation of the microchip.

Micro processor are in expensive and every small in size and thus have reduced the size and weight of micro computers or personal computers.

A microprocessor is semiconductor very large scale Integrated Circuit (VLSI) having processing capabilities.

Application Areas:
Micro computer have a greater impact on some people and business than any other type of computers. Personal computer are widely used in thousand of applications.

Examples are IBM PC, AT&T, PS/2 and Apple Macintosh microcomputers.


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