Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Second Generation Computers (Technical Education)

The duration of this generation is from 1955 till 1964.

Development of IBM and Other Inventions:
The most popular computer of 2nd generation was IBM-1401, which was introduced in 1960, while the following computers were used by many business organizations.

In 2nd generation, input/output devices became much faster by the use of magnetic tapes. The amount of main memory storage was increased.

Computations were performed in micro seconds.

Supported Language:
During this period the low level programming languages were used, however the high level programming language such as FORTRAN (Formula Translation) and COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) were also used.

Application Area:
The major applications were record keeping, pay roll processing, updating files, etc.


  • Smaller is size as compared to 1st generation.
  • Much reliable.
  • Less heat generated.
  • Computations were performed in multi seconds.
  • Less hardware failure.
  • Better portability.
  • Commercially used.


  • Air conditioning required.
  • Frequent maintenance required.
  • Commercial production was costly.


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