Friday, July 26, 2013

Professions (In Islam)

(a) Teaching   (b) Fishing
Question / Answers:
Q1. What does “Akhund” mean?
Ans: “Akhund” is a sindhi word derived from a Persian word “Khandan” which means “to read”. It is the best word to express the teacher’s dignity and status.

Q2. How does a teacher fulfill God’s command?
Ans. A teacher is a reader par excellence. An honest and a good teacher fulfills God’s command expressed in the first word of revelation which says “Read”. The teacher is one who knows how to read God’s words be it written on the human heart or in the Holy Book of Allah or be written in nature. A teacher reads a lot and seeks knowledge from every source.

Q3. Write a short note on “The qualities of teacher.
Ans: A good teacher always gains honour and respect in a society. He acquires good personal qualities, therefore, he always tries to improve his character and personality. The personal qualities of a good teacher are following.

  1. A good teacher is a reader par excellence. He fulfills God’s command by reading the words of God be it written on the human heart or in the Holy Book or in nature. 
  2. He thinks over the sacred writings and tells others the meaning of life and the way to live it fully.
  3. A good teacher always seeks knowledge from the sources of truth, beauty and goodness.
  4. A good teacher not only strives to know what is true, good and beautiful but also seeks to incorporate these in the life.
  5. A good teacher strictly follows the teachings of Allah in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم).
Q4. Why do people like fresh water fishes?
Ans: People like fresh water fishes because they are more tasty.

Q5. Why is fish important for us?
Ans: Fish is important for us because it is a source of food and also several by-products, are obtained from fish i.e glue, manure, liver oil etc. Catching fish is one of the most ancient and common profession of the world. A large number of people are engaged with this profession. It is also a flourishing trade.

Q6. What are the different modes of fishing?
Ans: There are two modes of fishing.

  1. Marine or Sea fishing.
  2. Inland or fresh water fishing.

Q7. Where is marine fishing done in Pakistan?
Ans: In Pakistan, marine fishing is done in the Arabian Sea along the coast.

Q8. What are the dangers of marine fishing?
Ans: Marine fishing is dangerous because the fishermen have to go in deep sea to catch fishes and face the dangers of the sea. Sometimes, the weather turns rough without any warning. The fisherman then at the mercy of the storm against which they are quite helpless.

Q9. Why do people of East have a high regards of teachers?
Ans: A teacher fulfills God’s commands by reading the words of God be it written on the human heart, or the Holy Book or in nature. A teacher always teaches moral values and the principles of truth, beauty and goodness. A teacher acquires his status in society by cultivating several personal and professional qualities that is why people in the East have very high regard for teachers.

Q10. Short note on “Modernization of Fish Industry”.
What steps have been taken by the government to improve and modernize the fish industry in Pakistan?
Ans: Fishing is one of the most important industry in Pakistan. Fish is a source of food and it is sold in markets for this purpose. Fish is required by those industries which manufacture several by-products of fish. For the increasing need and demand of fish, the government has taken various steps to improve and modernize the fish industry in Pakistan which are the following.

  1. Loans are being provided to the fishermen on soft terms and conditions for buying bigger boats and other equipments.
  2. Fishing nets of good quality are available for the fishermen at low prices.
  3. Fish harbours and fish markets have been set up at various places for improving the fishing trade.
  4. Weather stations have been built at various places to warn the fishing boats about bad weather and sea storms.
  5. Wireless receivers are being fitted in the large boats of the fishermen.
  6. A “Fisheries Training Institute” and a “Fisheries Technology Laboratory” have been established at Karachi.

Q11. Write the names of two institutions established by the government of Pakistan for modernizing the fish industry.
Ans: The names of two institutions established by the Government of Pakistan at Karachi for modernizing the fish industry are as follows.

  1. Fisheries Training Institute.
  2. Fisheries Technological Laboratory.


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