Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What is computer?

Q1. What is computer?

Introduction to computer: 
The term computer is derived from the word “compute” which means to calculate. So computer is normally considered to be calculating device that can perform arithmetic operation at enormous speed.

Basic Definitions of Computer:
“Computer is an electronic device that accepts data and instructions (in form of programs) as input, process the data according to the given instructions and produces information as output”.
“Computer is a machine that can accept input data, processes it and gives output”.
A computer is an electronic device that can interpret and execute programmed commands for input, output, computation and logic operations.
A computer is an auto-matic electronic calculating device which can process given data and gives results.

Q2. Describe the contribution of Charles Babbage in the development of a computer? Why Babbage is considered as father of modern computer?


  1. In 1822, professor Charles Babbage Cambridge University invented a mechanical calculator named Babbage difference engine. This machine is based on based on the principle of difference.
  2. In 1833, Charles Babbage developed a grand machine name Babbage’s Analytical engine. It was first programmable machine. The memory was introduced for the first time ever in the device to store data and instruction for functioning.

Father Of Computer:
Charles Babbage honored as a father of computer as functional unit. He organized the development in the field of automatic devices and results in the modern computer system.

Q3: Differentiate between Analog computer and Digital computer.

Analog computer
1. Data
It represents data continuously.
2.  Operation
It is used to measure physical Values such as temperature and pressure .
3. Signal Types
Type of signal is continuously varying electromagnetic wave.
4. Transmission
Means of transmission of analog signals is without regard to their content.
5. Memory
It has no memory and computing devices.
6. Output
It adopts physical devices to measure continuously variable data e.g.
in thermometer, temperature is measured by the expansion of mercury.
7. Devices
It has no input and output devices.
8. Examples
Examples of analog computer are:Thermomoeter, barometerSpeedometer of cars, voltmeter, ammeter etc.
9. Applications
Measurement of different physical quantities, scientific applications.

Digital Computer
1. Data
It represents data discretely as 0s and 1s.
2.  Operation
It converts the data into digits then performs all types of operations on these digits.
3. Signal Types
Type of signal is sequence of voltage pulses over time.
4. Transmission
Means of transmission is Concerned with content of signal.
5. Memory
It has memory and solves problems by counting precisely.
6. Output
It gives written output at extremely fast rates with high  accuracy.
7. Devices
It has input and output devices.
8. Examples
The IBM PC and all other personal computer belong to digital computers.
9. Applications
Business, Science and home.


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