Friday, June 21, 2013

What steps have been taken by the Government of Pakistan by (Technical Education)

Q2. Write down the causes of the agriculture backwardness of Pakistan. What steps have been taken by the Government of Pakistan for the development of agriculture in the country.

Explanation: Pakistan is an agriculture country. Agriculture is very important in its economy. At the time of independence, the country had very poor economy setup. The people were prey for poverty. They mostly, earned their living by agriculture. The cultivators were living hand to mouth. Even the country being agricultural, faced the problem of food deficiency. We inherited that above mentioned problems from undivided Indian Government.

The causes of which are mentioned below:
i. Land Tenure System.
ii. Lack of proper irrigation system.
iii. Old and out of dateyu tools and implements.
iv. Sub-standard inputs.
v. Lack of education & training.
vi. Improper agricultural research.
vii. Insufficient Infrastructure.
viii. Lack of organized Marketing.
ix. Land fragmentation.
x. Shortage of finance.

i. Land Tenure System: It was a defective land system. In Pakistan Tagirdars and big Zamindars who    owned majority of land area live in big cities and did not take much interest in the development of agriculture. They gave their lands to landless people for cultivation on the basis of heavy Lagan or Batai. Since greater proportion of output went to Zamindars and very less is left to small and poor farmers. Due to unjust distribution of land, the farmers did not work Zealouslz.

ii. Lack of proper irrigation system: At the time of independence, the irrigation was done by means of wells and canals. While the “Barren Lands” were left on the mercy of uncertain rainfall. The modern means of irrigation were not available to them.

iii. Old and out dated tools: Better tools and implements are also responsible for better crops. Our armer used to work with old implements i.e. plough, sohaga, sickle, khurpi with a pair of sick bullocks.

iv. Sub-standard Input: Our farmers used poor quality seeds because at the time of 1947, our farmers had no such good quality seeds and animals manure facility were available.

v. Lack of Education and Training: Our farmers were uneducated and untrained. He did not know that latest multiple cropping pest control equipment, the use technology and other modern farming practices.

vi. Improper Agricultural Research: At the time of independence, we had not any fertilizer factory or Agricultural Research Centre.

vii. Insufficient Infrastructure: The infrastructure facilities were very poor at the time of independence.

viii. Lack of Organized Marketing: At the time of partition, the marketing of crops was done through
ineffective methods our farmers had to face a number of problems to get the due price of their products. The procedures of marketing were complicated.

ix. Land Fragmentation: Land lords, in order to provide employment to their upcoming generation, divided and subdivided the lands into small pieces. The cultivation on large scale was impossible on those fragmented and scattered pieces of lands.

x. Shortage of Finance: Our farmers were poor that’s why they could not buy land from Zamindars and adopt new methods of cultivation.

The following steps and measures are necessary for agriculture development.
1. Supply of Agriculture Credit: The farmers in Pakistan, due to low income, could not afford the expensive technology from their own resources, so supply of agriculture credit at easy terms and conditions is very necessary.
2. Establishment of Fertilizers Factories: Government established many fertilizer factories at different cities to produce modern fertilizer for supplying to cultivators on cheap rates.
3. Mechanization: The working capacity of machines is far better than that of old tools. Government provided facilities to supply modern plough, tillers, reapers, cutters, tractors, motors, tools and other implements.
4. Agriculture Reforms: Government introduced Agricultural Reforms in the leasing system of agricultural lands are also necessary for improvement of agriculture sectors so that feudal landlordship is diminished and tenants are provided safety and security against cost free labour.
5. Abolishing Jagirdari System: The Government resumed their lands and distributed them among the farmers. Farmers then, had become the owners of lands.
6. Land Management: Per acre yield can be increased by better land management. Because small holding of land were scattered over miles, the owner could not take proper care of each due to long distance.
7. Better Irrigation Facilities: Agricultural production depends mostly on irrigation. In Pakistan, 2/3 of the total cultivated land depends upon rains for irrigation and the remaining is irrigated by cannals, tube-wells and under ground canals (Karezes). Dams and Barrages were also developed by Government on rivers to supply water.
8. Water-logging and Salinity Control: Government had taken steps to increase the area of land under CULTIVATION. Tube-wells were installed in saline water area to decreases salinity. Beds of news canals were made of concrete to avoid water logging.
9. Use of Fertilizer: Cow dung was use as manure but at that time it was used as a fuel in our rural areas, so as increase in the supply of chemical fertilizers was necessary for an increase in output. Since prices of fertilizers were high and income of the farmer was low, he could not afford it. Government has opened Agriculture Farms where good quality of seed was produces and distributed among the cultivators at low rates.


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