Wednesday, September 18, 2013

General Science Force and Motion

Exercise: 9.2
Q1. What are machines?
Ans: Machines are devices which are used to reduce the human effort and make the work easier.

Q2. Name three objects that you exert force on, while doing school work.
Ans: Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener.

Q3. Name these.
1. Straight slanted surface: Inclined plane.         2. A rod that pivots at a fixed point pulley.
3. An inclined plane wrapped in spiral screw. 4. Double inclined plane Wedge.
5. Machine consisting of a grooved wheel that holds a rope wheel and axle.

Q4. Complete the following concept map.

Exercise : 9.4 Explain how atmospheric helps you drink throw a straw?
Ans: When we take a sip through straw, we are actually putting air out of straw, the greater air pressure outside the straw pushes the liquid into the straw, so it rises up into mouth.

Additional Q/A
Q1. What is a lever? How does it work?
A lever is a rigid rod or bar straight or curved which moves on a fixed point. The fixed point is called the fulcrum, or the pivot. A push or a pull is the force put on the one end of the lever arm. This is called the effort. This force is trying to overcome the weight of the object. This weight is called the load. In many tools and machines, levers work together in pairs and the fulcrum is often at the point where the levers are fixed together.

Q2. How many kinds of lever are there? Explain them with the help of diagram.
Ans: There are three kinds of lever. We use in our daily life. Each kind depends on the relative positions of the effort, load and fulcrum.

First kind of lever:
The first kind of lever has its fulcrum between the load and effort Example: crow bar, claw hammer, and a pair of scissors are the examples of first kind of lever.

Second kind of lever:
The second kind of lever has its load between the fulcrum and the effort.
Example: wheel barrow, bottle opener and door are the examples of second kind lever.

Third kind of lever:
In the third kind of lever, the effort lies between the load and the fulcrum. Example: Human arm, broom, tweezer, and knife are the examples of third kind of lever.

Q3. Define pulley.
Ans: Pulley:
The pulley helps us to lift heavy things straight up. A pulley is a kind of wheel with groove over which we can put a rope. The groove prevents the rope from slipping out. Craines use pulley system to lift heavy loads.

Q4. Write uses of atmospheric pressure in our daily life.
Ans: 1. Motor car tyres, bicycles tyre and tyres of other wheeled vehicles are kept hard due to air                pressure.
2. The straw used for drinking also work because of air pressure.
3. When dropper is placed in a solution then solution rises up due to air pressure.
4. A syringe also works by air pressure.

Q5. What is a screw?
Ans: A screw is an inclined plane that is wrapped in a spiral. The spiral shape groove is called a thread. A spiral stair case is like a giant screw.

Q6. Define inclined plane.
Ans: Inclined plane or ramp is another kind of simple machine. A ramp is a slope with one end higher than the other. It is used for moving heavy objects up and down.

Fill in the blanks:
  1. There are six types of simple machine.
  2. The simplest kind of machine is the lever.
  3. A wedge has double inclined plane that moves.
  4. A wheel on the end of an  axle make a simple machine.
  5. The spiral shaped groove is called a thread.
  6. A syringe works by air pressure.

General Science Element, Compound & Mixture

Q1. Define Matter
Ans: Matter is any thing that has mass and occupies space.

Q2. Complete the following concept map.

Q3. How are compound different from elements?
Ans: In elements all the atoms are identical while in compounds basic unit is a molecule. Which is composed of two or more different type of atoms.

1 Ans: No, Hydrogen and oxygen are elements, and elements are the simplest substances.
2 Ans: (a) True    (b) False   (c) True
Table salt (NaCl)
Carbondioxide (CO2)
Sugar(C12 H22O11)
Sodium+Hydrogent Oxygen+Carbon
Baking Soda (NaHCO3)

4. A mixture possesses the properties of the substances which make up the mixture, For example air is a mixture of many gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbondioxide and others, We can change the amount of things in the mixture for example in mixed fruits and nuts we can put more fruits and less nuts.
1.Name these
(a) Element  (b)Mixture   (c) Sublimation  (d) Distillation
2. (a) Crystallization       (b) Sublimation     (c) Distillation  (d)  Decantation   (e) Filtration
(f) Decantation

Additional Questions/Answer
Q1. What is an element?
Ans: Element: An element is a substance, which can not be broken down into two or more parts. Elements are made up of atoms. Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Iron are some examples of elements.

Q2. What is compound?
Ans: Compound: Compound is a substance that is formed when the atoms of two or more elements combine chemically. A compound contains different kinds of atoms.
For example: A molecule of water (H2O) is made when two hydrogen atoms are combined with one oxygen atom
Hydrogen (Gas)+Oxygen (Gas) à Water (liquid)

Q3. Define mixture.
Ans: Mixture: Mixture is a substance which is made up of two or more substances which are not combined chemically. The substances in a mixture can be solids, Liquids and gases. Example: Air is a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, carbondioxide and other gases.

Q4. Differentiate between mixture and compound.

1.        Mixture is made up of two or more substances that are not chemically combined, for example air.

Compounds are made up of two or more elements that are chemically combined, for example water.

2.        A mixture possesses the properties of its components.

A compound has properties that are different from its components.

3.        A mixture can be separated into its components by physical methods.

A compound can be broken down into its components by chemical methods only.

4. Components of a mixture are not mixed in a fixed quantity.
Components of a compound are mixed in a fixed quantity.

Q5. How many physical methods are used for separating mixture?
Ans: Some common physical methods for separating mixtures are.
a) Decantation   2) Distillation   3) Crystallization   4) Sublimation
It is a process of removing a liquid from a mixture by pouring it, while leaving the remaining constituents in the container. For example when we cook rice, we simply let the water in the rice decantdown, leaving rice behind.

It is a process of purifying a liquid. When we boil sea water, it turns into steam leaving behind the solid constituents. We can get drinking water from sea water by this method. It is called distilled water.
The process of cooling a hot saturated solution to obtain solid crystals is called crystallization.
Some substance undergo a change of state from solid to gas or gas to solid. The conversion of a solid to gas (or vapours) without passing through a liquid phase is called sublimation.
E.g: Phenyl balls sublimate in open air resolve boldness.

Q6. Fill in the blanks.
1). The common states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
2). Matter is composed of simplest building blocks called atoms.
3). Hydrogen is the simplest element.
4) The most abundant element on the earth is oxygen.
5) The smallest particle of a compound is called molecule.
6) Mercury is a metallic element, which occurs in nature in liquid form.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy 66th Independence Day 2013 :-)

Pakistan's Independence Day, which is every twelve-months held on August 14, commends the nation's autonomy from the British decide on that date in 1947. This day is an event to advertise patriotism and national unity.

What Do People Do? 

Individuals onto every part of Pakistan celebrate Independence Day with energetic get-up-and-go. Numerous individuals who go to the Independence Day parades spruce up in green and white, which are the Pakistani banner's colors. Individuals visit national landmarks and places of national importance to celebrate Independence Day. This is likewise a period to meet relatives, trade blessings and visit recreational spots.

Pakistan's national banner is raised on open, private edifices, habitations and landmarks at first light. Official edifices, incorporating Parliament House, are finished and beautifully lit. The executive and president address and praise the country and discuss the day's essentialness. Avenues and houses are improved with candles, oil lights and flags. Firecracker shows are assembled on the eve of Independence Day.

Pakistan's Independence Day additionally pays tribute to individuals who gave their lives for Pakistan's opportunity development and made gives up to achieve Pakistan's autonomy. A change of watchman happens at national landmarks, incorporating the mausoleums of Muhammad Iqbal, who was a writer, scholar, and government official, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who is acknowledged by numerous as Pakistan's author and Quaid-i-Azam (matchless guide).

Occasions held throughout the day incorporate uncommon theatre shows, national melody rivalries, shows, and Independence Day events. Radio and TV slots telecast national tunes and exceptionally ready Independence Day programs.

Open Life 

Autonomy Day is an official occasion in Pakistan on August 14. All administrative, non-legislative business settings, conglomerations, instructive organizations, post work places, and major markets are shut.

Open transport remains inaccessible on all major tracks. Activity clogging is normal because of Independence Day parades.


The Indo-Pak subcontinent remained a British settlement from 18491947. The subcontinent's tenants did not endorse of the British manage in united India. An uprising that happened in 1857 in the end shaped the state of an opportunity development, which epitomizes the exertions of the individuals of British India in picking up their freedom.

Muslims managed the subcontinent soon after the British attack and endured because of the 1857 uprising against the British East India Company. Guides, for example Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Syed Ameer Ali worked industriously for the Muslim individuals' political progression.

The Indian National Congress was framed in 1885, which later on came to be British India's biggest political gathering. Major Muslim political guides, incorporating Muhammad Ali Jinnah, were parts of the Indian National Congress and worked towards Hindu-Muslim unity and India's autonomy.

The All India Muslim League was established on December 30, 1906. There was developing interest for an autonomous Muslim state in India. In 1930 Muhammad Iqbal put forth the thought of a divide Muslim state that would topographically comprise of the Muslim greater part territories in the subcontinent. The expression Pakistan is a conjunction of two expressions Pak importance Pure and Stan significance Land, a name authored by Choudhary Rahmat Ali.

Solid Hindu patriotism conceived the Two Nation Theory, a belief system that is authorize as being the groundwork for Pakistan's creation. In 1940 the Pakistan Resolution was passed in Lahore requesting more terrific Muslim independence in British India.

After World War II, it was normal that the British settlements might soon deteriorate. The Pakistan Movement, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, brought about making a Muslim state. Pakistan picked up autonomy from the British control on August 14, 1947. At its conception, Pakistan had two parts ordinarily alluded to as East and West Pakistan. In 1971 East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan and came to be Bangladesh.

Green and white are Pakistan's official shades. White speaks to peace while green symbol

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Faraizi Movement History

Q1.Write a short note on Faraizi Movement.
Faraizi Movement:
Among the most prominent reformers who started revivalist movements for rekindling Islamic thinking in the subcontinent was Haji Shariatullah. He was born in 1761 in Faridpur (Bengal). At a very early age, he proceeded to the Holy city of Makkah where he stayed for about 20 years and received the religious education. He returned to his country in 1802.

Background of the Movement:
Haji Shariatullah was shocked to observe the deplorable state of religion among his country man. He advised the Muslims of Bengal to get rid of the un-Islamic customs and practices. He stressed the need to act upon Islamic injunctions. He called these Islamic injunctions as Faraizi (Obligations) Therefore, his preaching for Islamic Principles and reform movement for Muslims is called Faraizi Movement.

Objective of Faraizi Movement:
The basic objective of Faraizi movement was to eliminate the un-Islamic customs and traditions which prevailed among the Bengali Muslims and helped bring the Muslims on the right path of Islamic teachings. He encountered a number of obstacles and difficulties in the beginning but gradually. The movement gained momentum and spread throughout Bengal. The movement created a spirit of self confidence among the Bengali Muslims.

Efforts of Dudu Mian:
After the death of Haji  Shariatullah (1840), his son Muhammad Mohsin alias Dudu Mian became the leader of Faraizi Movement and made it more effective. He organized the Muslim ten ants against the high Handedness of Hindu landlords. As a result of the efforts of Muhammad Mohsin, the Muslims in Bengal got rid of the persecution of Hindu landlords.

Achievement of the Movement:
As a result of Faraizi Movement, the religious and moral status of Bengali Muslims was improved and the rights of the tenants were protected to a great extent.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Professions (In Islam)

(a) Teaching   (b) Fishing
Question / Answers:
Q1. What does “Akhund” mean?
Ans: “Akhund” is a sindhi word derived from a Persian word “Khandan” which means “to read”. It is the best word to express the teacher’s dignity and status.

Q2. How does a teacher fulfill God’s command?
Ans. A teacher is a reader par excellence. An honest and a good teacher fulfills God’s command expressed in the first word of revelation which says “Read”. The teacher is one who knows how to read God’s words be it written on the human heart or in the Holy Book of Allah or be written in nature. A teacher reads a lot and seeks knowledge from every source.

Q3. Write a short note on “The qualities of teacher.
Ans: A good teacher always gains honour and respect in a society. He acquires good personal qualities, therefore, he always tries to improve his character and personality. The personal qualities of a good teacher are following.

  1. A good teacher is a reader par excellence. He fulfills God’s command by reading the words of God be it written on the human heart or in the Holy Book or in nature. 
  2. He thinks over the sacred writings and tells others the meaning of life and the way to live it fully.
  3. A good teacher always seeks knowledge from the sources of truth, beauty and goodness.
  4. A good teacher not only strives to know what is true, good and beautiful but also seeks to incorporate these in the life.
  5. A good teacher strictly follows the teachings of Allah in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم).
Q4. Why do people like fresh water fishes?
Ans: People like fresh water fishes because they are more tasty.

Q5. Why is fish important for us?
Ans: Fish is important for us because it is a source of food and also several by-products, are obtained from fish i.e glue, manure, liver oil etc. Catching fish is one of the most ancient and common profession of the world. A large number of people are engaged with this profession. It is also a flourishing trade.

Q6. What are the different modes of fishing?
Ans: There are two modes of fishing.

  1. Marine or Sea fishing.
  2. Inland or fresh water fishing.

Q7. Where is marine fishing done in Pakistan?
Ans: In Pakistan, marine fishing is done in the Arabian Sea along the coast.

Q8. What are the dangers of marine fishing?
Ans: Marine fishing is dangerous because the fishermen have to go in deep sea to catch fishes and face the dangers of the sea. Sometimes, the weather turns rough without any warning. The fisherman then at the mercy of the storm against which they are quite helpless.

Q9. Why do people of East have a high regards of teachers?
Ans: A teacher fulfills God’s commands by reading the words of God be it written on the human heart, or the Holy Book or in nature. A teacher always teaches moral values and the principles of truth, beauty and goodness. A teacher acquires his status in society by cultivating several personal and professional qualities that is why people in the East have very high regard for teachers.

Q10. Short note on “Modernization of Fish Industry”.
What steps have been taken by the government to improve and modernize the fish industry in Pakistan?
Ans: Fishing is one of the most important industry in Pakistan. Fish is a source of food and it is sold in markets for this purpose. Fish is required by those industries which manufacture several by-products of fish. For the increasing need and demand of fish, the government has taken various steps to improve and modernize the fish industry in Pakistan which are the following.

  1. Loans are being provided to the fishermen on soft terms and conditions for buying bigger boats and other equipments.
  2. Fishing nets of good quality are available for the fishermen at low prices.
  3. Fish harbours and fish markets have been set up at various places for improving the fishing trade.
  4. Weather stations have been built at various places to warn the fishing boats about bad weather and sea storms.
  5. Wireless receivers are being fitted in the large boats of the fishermen.
  6. A “Fisheries Training Institute” and a “Fisheries Technology Laboratory” have been established at Karachi.

Q11. Write the names of two institutions established by the government of Pakistan for modernizing the fish industry.
Ans: The names of two institutions established by the Government of Pakistan at Karachi for modernizing the fish industry are as follows.

  1. Fisheries Training Institute.
  2. Fisheries Technological Laboratory.

The Wise Caliph (Poem) Technical Education

The Wise Caliph
Question Answers:
Q1. What was caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid known and respected for?
Ans. Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid was known and respected for his justice and wisdom. He used to disguise himself and went through the streets of Baghdad at night to know the problems and difficulties of a common man and to gain first-hand knowledge about his people.

Q2. Why did he go through the streets of Baghdad at night?
Ans: He would go through the streets of Baghdad to mingle with common people in order to gain frist-hand knowledge of their difficulties. He believed that by adopting the common life style, he would experience the problems in true sense.

Q3. What did the Qazi say to the caliph?
Ans. The Qazi said to the caliph that he had brought before him a dispute which he himself was unable to settle. According to the Qazi, the case was very difficult. But he believed that the wise caliph would be able to solve it and pronounce a just decision through his knowledge and wisdom.

Q4. What was the dispute between the rich man and the beggar?
Ans. The rich man and the beggar were fighting over the ownership of a beautiful white horse. Each of them claimed that the horse belonged to him.

Q5. What did the rich man tell the caliph?
Ans. The rich man told the caliph that he was riding towards the city. On this way he saw a beggar, who asked for a ride up to the city gate. Afterwards the beggar refused to get down from the horse and claimed that the horse was his.

Q6. What did the beggar tell the caliph?
Ans. The beggar told the caliph that he was the real owner of the horse and the rich man wanted to rob him. He further told that when he was coming to the city on his horse, the rich man requested him to lend his horse to him but he could not lend his horse to a complete strangers. So he gave the rich man a ride on his horse. When they reached to the city gate, the richman refused to get down and claimed that it was his horse.

Q7. Why did the beggar refuse to get down from the horse?
Ans. The beggar refused to get down from the horse because he wanted to rob the rich man’s beautiful white horse. Therefore he falsely claimed the horse to be his and refused to dismount.

Q8. What did the horse do when the beggar touched it?
Ans. When the beggar touched the horse it winced as if it did not like the touch of his hand. This reaction of the animal shows that it was not owned by the beggar.

Q9. How did the horse react when the rich man touched it?
Ans. When the rich man touched the horse it neighed and shorted with pleasure. This reaction of the horse proved the true ownership of the rich man.

Q10. What did the caliph say to the beggar?
The caliph said to the beggar that he was liar and a wicked man because he wanted to rob honest and a respectable citizen. According to the caliph, the beggar deserved punishment but could be forgiven if he begged forgiveness of the rich man.

Q11. What was the noble action of the rich man which pleased every body in the court of the caliph?
Ans. It was the noble action of the rich man than he not only forgave the beggar readily, who tried to rob him, but also gave him a handful of gold coins. It pleased every body in the court of the caliph.

The Voice of God (Poem) Technical Education

Introduction of Poet:
Louis I Newman (1893-1972) is an American poet. He was born in province Rhode Island in the united States of America. He received his early education in Rhode Island, and then he studied at Brown University. He received his doctorate degree then appointed as a lecturer at the university of Columbia. He was a religious minded person, therefore, he wrote many books on religious subjects.

Question Answers
Q1. Who has composed the poem “The voice of God” and what do you know about the poet?
Ans: The poem “The voice of God” has been composed by “Louis I Newman”. He was an American poet. He was a religious man and this poem also shows his religious bent of mind.

Q2. Why did the author poet climb to the steeple? Why did God tell him to  go down again?
Ans. The poet climbed the steeple because he believed that God would be found of such high places. Therefore, he climbed up in order to have the honour of being close to God and hear His voice.

Q3. Why did God tell him to go down again?
Ans: God told him to go down again because he does not live only in the sky. He is every where, we may find Him by serving the suffering humanity and by removing their difficulties. The poet is trying to say that even a common man can find Him.

Q4. “ I dwell among the people” what does this line mean according to the poem” The voice of God”.
Ans: The poet wanted to hear the voice of God. He climbed the highest steeple in order to seek the nearness to God but God told him to go down and  mingle among the people. The experience of ascending the steeple taught the poet a lesson that the search of God is hidden in the services of mankind.

Q5. Say in your own words what do you think is the message of this poem.
Ans: Through the poem “The voice of God”, the poet conveys the message that God is present everywhere. He is all seeing and hearing. We may win His happiness by serving our fellow beings and by putting them at ease.

Q6. What is the central idea of this poem?
Ans: The poem “The voice of God” gives an idea that God is omnipresent that is He is present in the whole universe and if we want to gain nearness to God, we should love and serve the suffering humanity.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Short Questions Answers of Computer History

Q. Define Abacus.

About 3000 BC, abacus was developed in China. It is also called “Counting Frame”. This is the simplest manual device which consists of a wires or rods. Arithmetic calculations are performed by manipulating the beads. The device is used for counting and doing simple arithmetic calculations.

Q. Define Naples’s Bones.

Naples’s Bones:
In 1612, John Napier designed a calculating device called Napier’s Bones, Which consisted of eleven bone or rods with numbers marked on them. Napier’s Bone helped a lot in calculation work regarding multiplication and division of large numbers.

Q. Define slide rule.

Slide Rule: 
Slide rule was invented by Ought red. It was very useful, simple an handy device. It was and analog device consisted of two scales. The division and multiplication of two numbers can be achieved by the morement of the cursor. It was extensively used in many counties by engineers, scientist and accountants.

Q. Define Pascal’s Calculators.

Pascal’s Calculators:
In 1642, a French mathematician Blaise Pascal developed a calculator. It was restricted to perform only addition and subtraction.
Gear Cogwheel and dails were used in Pascal calculator. This machine displayed numbers by rotation of a cogwheel.

Q. Define Leibniz’s Calculator.

Leibniz’s Calculator:
In 1671, Gottfried W.von Leibniz’s invented a calculating machine which could perform multiplication and division Leibniz machine was based on the same principle as Pascal’s calculator with an addition feature of a slider performing the shift mechanism.

Q. Define Jacquard’s Loom.

Jacquard’s Loom:
It was developed by a French textile manufacture goseph Marie Jacquard. It followed a mechanical method of controlling weaving of Looms to [produce complex cloth patterns by using a series of puch card. Punch was the first data storage device used to store data by punching holes in the card.

Q. Define contribution of Dr. Herman Hollerith.

In 1890, Herman Hollerith designed the first electric computing device. He also made use of punched cards in this machine. He also constructed a box to store data and an electronic magnetic counting machine to tabulate data.

Q. Define contribution of Howard H. Aiken.

Contribution of Howard H. Aiken:
In 1948, Howard H. Aiken developed an electromagnetic computer and named It Mark 1. Mark 1 is considered to be one of the first there computer because it could take information and instruction.

Q. Define ENIAC, ECVAC and UNIUAC-1. 

ENIAC stands for Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator was developed in 1946 by John W. Mauchly and J.P Eckert.

In 1950, John Von Newman brought a revolution in computer technology by introduction stored program concept on EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer).

In 1950, UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was developed and very soon its two improved models UNIVAC-1, UNICAV-2 were launched in the market.

History of Mini & Micro Computers


Mini Computer is also a type of digital computer. Its details are as follows:

Mini Computers are small in size. They are smaller than frame computers.

Application Areas:
These compact yet surprisingly powerful computer find their application in business, education and government. These computers can support multiple-users and multiple tasks like mainframes through the use of terminals.

Digital Equipment Corporation and Other Companies:
Digitals Equipment corporation introduced minicomputer in the mid 1960s. Other Companies such as Data general Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, IBM Corporation and Prime Computer also manufacture mini computer.


Micro computer or, as the are commonly called, micros or personal computer (PC’s) were developed in the late 1970’s.

Their popularity or wider usage is due to the development in micro electronics and the innovation of the microchip.

Micro processor are in expensive and every small in size and thus have reduced the size and weight of micro computers or personal computers.

A microprocessor is semiconductor very large scale Integrated Circuit (VLSI) having processing capabilities.

Application Areas:
Micro computer have a greater impact on some people and business than any other type of computers. Personal computer are widely used in thousand of applications.

Examples are IBM PC, AT&T, PS/2 and Apple Macintosh microcomputers.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mainframe Computers History

Mainframe Computers
Mainframe computer is a type of digital computers.

Size and Requirement:
Mainframes are large-scale computers. Computer system of this size require very large rooms and other arrangements like cooling etc.

Speed and Memory:
Mainframes are very fast and have very large memory.

They are used by government and Large organization such as banks, airlines and universities where hundred of users can handle multi processing tasks at a time. This means that main frame is able to do different users at the same time.
For example: It is doing statistical analysis for one user and at the same time printing a report for the second user and financial statement for the third user and soon.

Examples of Mainframe computers are CYBER 176 and IBM 4341.

Hybrid Computers History

Hybrid Computers:
A hybrid Computer is the combination of properties of both analog and digital computer these computers consist partly of the components of a digital computer and partly of as analog computer to combine the characteristics of the both types.

Speed and Accuracy:
The hybrid computer may combine the speed of an analog computer and memory accuracy of the digital computer.

They are special purpose computers, which are fast and accuracy. Hybrid computer help the user to handle both analog digital data.

Application Area:

  1. Hybrid computer are used in Hospital to0 carry but medical investigation.
  2. They are generally used in scientific application and in monitoring industrial processes.
  3. They are used in telemetry, space ships and guided missiles.

Analog Computers & Digital Computers

An analog computer is the one that measured or processes data in a continuous form. A traditional watch or clack is an analog device an which time is represented in a continuous fashion.

Representation and Measurement:
Analog computers represent data continuously. It represent physical quantities like speed, weight, temperature etc.

Types of Signals:
Types of signal is continuously varying electromagnetic waves.

Mean of Transmission:
Means of transmission of analog signals without regard to their content.

No Use of Memory and Computer Devices:
Analog Computer has no memory and computing devices.

Analog computers are very fast in processing and are used for real-time simulation.

They are used for calculation and observation of physical quantities or their measurement such as temperature and speed.

Examples of Analog computers are thermometer, barometer, speedometer of cars, rollmeters, ammeter.

Digital Computers represent physical quantities with the help of digits or numbers. These numbers are used to perform arithmetic calculations and also make logical decisions to reach conclusion depending on the data they receive from the uses.
It represents data discretely as Os and 1s.

It converts data into digits and then perform all types of operation on these digits.

Types of Signal:
Types of signal is sequence of voltage pulses overtime.

Means of Transmission:
Means of transmission is concerned with content of signals.

It has memory and solves problems by counting precisely.

Digital Computers can be classified into three groups:

  1. Mainframe Computer.
  2. Mini Computer.
  3. Micro Computer.

Examples of digital computers are IBM, PC and all other personal computer belongs to digital computers. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fifth Generation Computers (Technical Education)

The duration started form 1981 and is still continued.

In this generation, new technologies were adopted to fabricate IC chips such as electronic beam, X-rays and laser rays. Developments of this generation are as follows:

VLST (Very Large Scale Integration):

  • VLST was developed so that computer could become much smaller than ever.
  • DOS: In 1981 Microsoft co-operation Launched their new operation.
  • PC: The first Personal Computer (PC) was marketed in 1981.
  • Storage Device: The 3.5 inches floppy disk was also invented in 1985. CD-ROM disk was also invented in 1985.

Micro Processor:
New memory devices such as Tunnel Junction, Bubble memory are expected to use.

Programming Language:

  • All the previous advantages.
  • Very huge storage capacity available.
  • Long bit processors were built.
  • Laptop, dairy, palm computers introduced.
  • Artificial intelligence Language were developed.

Not reported.

Fourth Generation Computers (Technical Education)

The details of this generation are as follows:
The details of this generation is form 1970 till 1981.

Storage capacity was increased and new micro processor was developed.

Micro Processor:
In 1970; a powerful microprocessor chip Intel 8080 was introduced.

Development of Storage Devices:
The 8 inches floppy disk was introduced in 1970 while hard disk was introduced in 1973. First time 5.25 inches floppy disk was used in 1978. The optical disk was developed in 1980.

Development of Input / Output Devices:
Many input/output devices were developed during this generation. For example optical reader, radio response terminal, scanner etc.

First Portable Computer:
First Portable Computer Osborne-1 was marketed in 1981.

Famous Computer of Fourth Generation: 
IBM 3033, IBM 370, IBM System 34/36, CRAY 1, CP/M etc were introduced in this generation.

S.S.I and L.S.I:
These are the abbreviations of small scale Integration and Large Scale Integration. The integrated circuits used in 3rd generation were more developed in the 4th generation and called as S.S.I. After sometimes it was called L.S.I.

Application Area:
In 4th generation, computers were used in mathematical modeling stimulation, electronic funds transfer and computer aided designing.


  • Small in size.
  • Very reliable.
  • Heat generation was negligible.
  • Much faster computation was possible. 
  • No air conditioning required. 
  • Hardware failure was negligible.
  • Minimal maintenance was required.
  • Very easy moreable.
  • Totally for general purpose.
  • Very in expensive.


  • Much sophisticated  technology was required to fabricate IC. 

Third Generation Computers (Technical Education)

The duration of this generation is only about five year i.e. 1964 till 1970.

In 1969, the first micro processor chip INTEL 4004 was used only in calculator. The famous computer were IBM-360, IBM-370, ONIVAC-9000 series, etc.

Integrated Circuit (IC):
In this generation, integrated circuits were used. AS integrated circuit contains many electronic components on a single chip, result of it could run about 5 million instructions and store upto 8 million characters.

Input / Output And Storage Devices:
There was a big flexibility with input/output and storage devices. The dink oriented systems were made at the end of this generation. The size of computer became very small with better performance and reliability. The faster Input, Output devices made possible multi-processing and multi programming.

Computations were performed in nano second.

Supported Language:
High Level Programming language were use.

Application Area:
In this generation, the major applications of computer were used for airline reservations.


  • Smaller in size as compared pervious generations.
  • Reliability increased.
  • Heat generation was rare.
  • Computations were performed in nano seconds.
  • Hardware failure was very rare.
  • Very easy portable.
  • Low maintenance cost.
  • Commercial production was easier and more inexpensive.


  • Air conditioning required in many cases.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Second Generation Computers (Technical Education)

The duration of this generation is from 1955 till 1964.

Development of IBM and Other Inventions:
The most popular computer of 2nd generation was IBM-1401, which was introduced in 1960, while the following computers were used by many business organizations.

In 2nd generation, input/output devices became much faster by the use of magnetic tapes. The amount of main memory storage was increased.

Computations were performed in micro seconds.

Supported Language:
During this period the low level programming languages were used, however the high level programming language such as FORTRAN (Formula Translation) and COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) were also used.

Application Area:
The major applications were record keeping, pay roll processing, updating files, etc.


  • Smaller is size as compared to 1st generation.
  • Much reliable.
  • Less heat generated.
  • Computations were performed in multi seconds.
  • Less hardware failure.
  • Better portability.
  • Commercially used.


  • Air conditioning required.
  • Frequent maintenance required.
  • Commercial production was costly.

First Generation Computers (Technical Education)

Q1: Explain all generations computer.
The duration of the generation is from 1945 till 1955.

Inventions and Developments:
Inventions of this generation are as follows:

  1. ENIAC: In 1946, the ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator) was developed as the result of military need.
  2. EDSAC: in 1949, the Britishers developed EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)
  3. EDVAC: In 1950, John Von Newman brought a revolution in computer technology by introduction stored program concept in EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
  4. UNIVAC-1: In 1951, UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was developed and very soon its two improved models UNIAC-1, UNIAC-2 were launched in the market.

Development Of IBM: 
In 1955, IBM emphasized business problems and developed a vacuum tube computer called IBM-65. After it many other models were developed by IBM for example IBM-702, IBM-705 and IBM-709 etc.

Vacuum Tube:
The major invention of this period was vacuum tubes which were used as electronic components but they produced a lot of heat which became a big problem.

Input/Output and Storage Devices:
In this generation input/output devices were very slow and punch cards were used for data storing process.

Computation were preformed in millisecond.

Supported Language:
Machine Language was used in this generation. At the end of this generation the assembly language
was developed.

Application Area:
These computers were used for record keeping and pay roll processing.


  • Vacuum tubes were used as electronic components.
  • Electronic digital computers were developed.
  • These computers were was the fastest calculating devices of their time. 
  • Computations were performed in milliseconds.

  • Too Large in size.
  • Un reliable
  • Produced large amount of heat due to vacuum tubes.
  • Air conditioning was required.
  • Frequent hard ware failure.
  • Constant maintenance was required.
  • Non-portable.
  • Commercial production was difficult and costly.
  • Limited commercial used.

What is computer?

Q1. What is computer?

Introduction to computer: 
The term computer is derived from the word “compute” which means to calculate. So computer is normally considered to be calculating device that can perform arithmetic operation at enormous speed.

Basic Definitions of Computer:
“Computer is an electronic device that accepts data and instructions (in form of programs) as input, process the data according to the given instructions and produces information as output”.
“Computer is a machine that can accept input data, processes it and gives output”.
A computer is an electronic device that can interpret and execute programmed commands for input, output, computation and logic operations.
A computer is an auto-matic electronic calculating device which can process given data and gives results.

Q2. Describe the contribution of Charles Babbage in the development of a computer? Why Babbage is considered as father of modern computer?


  1. In 1822, professor Charles Babbage Cambridge University invented a mechanical calculator named Babbage difference engine. This machine is based on based on the principle of difference.
  2. In 1833, Charles Babbage developed a grand machine name Babbage’s Analytical engine. It was first programmable machine. The memory was introduced for the first time ever in the device to store data and instruction for functioning.

Father Of Computer:
Charles Babbage honored as a father of computer as functional unit. He organized the development in the field of automatic devices and results in the modern computer system.

Q3: Differentiate between Analog computer and Digital computer.

Analog computer
1. Data
It represents data continuously.
2.  Operation
It is used to measure physical Values such as temperature and pressure .
3. Signal Types
Type of signal is continuously varying electromagnetic wave.
4. Transmission
Means of transmission of analog signals is without regard to their content.
5. Memory
It has no memory and computing devices.
6. Output
It adopts physical devices to measure continuously variable data e.g.
in thermometer, temperature is measured by the expansion of mercury.
7. Devices
It has no input and output devices.
8. Examples
Examples of analog computer are:Thermomoeter, barometerSpeedometer of cars, voltmeter, ammeter etc.
9. Applications
Measurement of different physical quantities, scientific applications.

Digital Computer
1. Data
It represents data discretely as 0s and 1s.
2.  Operation
It converts the data into digits then performs all types of operations on these digits.
3. Signal Types
Type of signal is sequence of voltage pulses over time.
4. Transmission
Means of transmission is Concerned with content of signal.
5. Memory
It has memory and solves problems by counting precisely.
6. Output
It gives written output at extremely fast rates with high  accuracy.
7. Devices
It has input and output devices.
8. Examples
The IBM PC and all other personal computer belong to digital computers.
9. Applications
Business, Science and home.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Team USA Weekend Wrap-Up: July 15, 2013 Technical Education

Amanda Polk, Simonds Kerry, Emily Regan, Lauren Schemetterling, Grace Luczak, Caroline Lind, Victoria Opitz, Heidi Robbins, Katelin Snyder of the U.S. win the gold medal in the women's eight during the 2013 Samsung World Rowing Cup III on Lucerne Rotsee on July 14, 2013 in Lucerne, Switzerland.

The United States set a planet record and had eight teams win decorations throughout the weekend at the Samsung World Rowing Cup in Lucerne, Switzerland.

The ladies' eight group set a planet record time of 5:54.16. The ladies' eight beat Romania by 6.2 seconds.

"This feels completely staggering," Robbins said.

The men's eight and men's four likewise won gold decorations.

Award James, Seth Weil, Henrik Rummel and Mike Gennaro structured the men's four group.

Eleanor Logan earned silver in ladies' single scull while Kate Bertko and Kristin Hedstrom did the same in lightweight ladies' twofold sculls.

"The group at this moment has a truly positive vibe —the men and the ladies," Logan said. "The what's to come looks okay at this moment. We all know its 2013, and Rio is a ways away, yet this is an exceptional base layer."

The United States likewise earned bronze decorations in the ladies' pair and the ladies' twofold sculls.

Three groups —the ladies' twofold sculls, lightweight ladies' twofold sculls and ladies' pair —earned the chance to race at the 2013 World Rowing Championships in South Korea, Aug. 25-Sept. 1.

Somewhere else, the Vesper Boat Club cleared the men's, ladies' and general focus trophies at the Usrowing Club National Championships in Camden, N.j.


Katie Hursey won a World Cup title in her first period as a first class long distance runner.

Hursey hurried to the title of the ITU Triathlon World Cup occasion Sunday in Palamos, Spain.

The previous Syracuse University runner, who joined the game as a major aspect of USA Triathlon's Collegiate Recruitment Program, fulfilled the 1,500-meter swim, 40-kilometer cycle, and 10-kilomer run in 2:01:19.

Hursey was sixth after the swim, then had the quickest two wheeler part of the day.

"I recently took a gander at it as a swim race, a two wheeler race and a run race," said Hursey, who will contend again this weekend at the 2013 ITU World Triathlon Series occasion in Hamburg, Germany.

An additional American, Erin Jones, fulfilled sixth. Greg Billington headed U.s. men, finalizing fifteenth.

Somewhere else, at The Hague-Kijkduin, Team USA got six rough terrain marathon big showdown decorations and one planet title Saturday at the 2013 ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships.

Kathy Hudson headed the route as the top American finisher, winning her age assembly for the second time in the three-year history of the occasion. Hudson won the 50-54 age aggregation in persuading manner, logging a period of 2 hours, 59 minutes, 16 seconds on the 1-kilometer swim, 26-kilometer mountain two wheeler and 9-kilometer crosscountry run course. Her an opportunity was more than 14 minutes quicker than the following closest contender.


The U.s. men's soccer group has matched its longest winning streak.

Chris Wondolowski headed the way, scoring two objectives when the United States vanquished Cuba, 4-1, Saturday to land a spot in the CONCACAF Gold Cup quarterfinals and stretch its winning streak to seven. The other seven-diversion winning streak came in June 2007 and transformed a Gold Cup title.

The United States would have been wise to rally for its most recent triumph in Sandy, Utah.

Cuba opened the scoring before Landon Donovan tied the diversion, 1-1, on an extra shot in first-half stoppage time.

Joe Corona put the United States ahead in the second half, and afterward Wondolowski fell off the seat to score twice in the last 20 minutes.

Wondolowski, who was named Budweiser Man of the Match, has five objectives in two competition diversions —the most objectives scored by a U.s. player in a solitary Gold Cup competition.

ET Tuesday in East Hartford, Conn., yet has as of recently guaranteed itself of progressing out of assembly play.


The U.s. ladies' volleyball group crushed Japan Friday and Saturday in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., to finish a three-match range of the USA Volleyball Cup and enhance to 8-0 in Karch Kiraly's first time of year as mentor.

Nicole Fawcett had 24 focuses Saturday in a 25-15, 25-19, 21-25, 23-25, 15-10 triumph to finish the range. Fawcett had 18 slaughters, three pieces and three aces.

The United States is stacked up first on the planet while Japan is third. Both groups will be contending in the FIVB World Grand Prix, which starts Aug. 2.

Somewhere else, the U.s. men were killed from the FIVB World League in the wake of completing 4-6 in Pool An, incorporating a couple of weekend misfortunes to have Brazil.

Carson Clark headed the United States with 17 focuses on 14 slaughters, a piece and two aces.

Brazil likewise won Saturday, 25-22, 25-18, 20-25, 28-26.

Vacation spot VOLLEYBALL

Jake Gibb and Casey Patterson guaranteed a bronze award at the FIVB Grand Slam Saturday in Gstaad, Switzerland.

Gibb and Patterson vanquished Alexander Brouwer and Robert Meeuwsen, the dominant title holders from the Netherlands, 21-18, 21-18, for third spot.

The group now has a gold, a silver and a bronze decoration in five Grand Slam occasions in addition to a silver award in the World Cup Finals in its first period together.

"It wasn't a simple decision," Gibb said in a FIVB news discharge. "It was a freaky decision, yet I'm certain happy I made it.

"His best completion was a ninth on the World Tour, however I knew he didn't have the right friend. I recognized what a contender he was; that is the thing that sold him to me. He needs to win more than anyone."

Then on the ladies' side, three-time Olympic champion Kerri Walsh Jennings came back to the sand despite any precedent to the contrary since the conception of her girl, Scout. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Next-generation 802.11ac wi-fi: The state of play Technical Education

The predominant routers dependent upon the first draft of the following era wi-fi standard, 802.11ac, showed up at CES in 2012, wearing different recieving wires (the specialized term is MIMO, standing for Multiple Input Multiple Output, which implies sending and appropriating more than one sign at once).

In January 2013, makers included one of the nexus 802.11ac characteristics —beamforming —to their right to gain entrance focuses. Beamforming is the thing that permits 802.11ac routers to convey a remote indicator straight to a gadget instead of showering the whole encompassing territory in the sign expected for that apparatus. Despite the fact that its upheld in the past era 802.11n, the new standard is more effective —to some degree in light of the fact that it just incorporates restricted of doing it instead of supporting some conceivable choices.

The 802.11ac standard has yet to be formally approved by the IEEE, yet the Wi-Fi Alliance started its certificate modify at the closure of June, and the first 802.11ac-agreeable apparatuses are currently arriving at the business sector (all the most recent Macbooks, incorporating the Air, in addition to the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4 for instance).

Then again, that doesn't mean you'll get all the characteristics of 802.11ac with even these new units. Keeping in mind the standard guarantees the major upgrades in electric cell life and in addition transfer speed, there's still somehow to head off consistent with Matthew Gast of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

Getting another remote standard to market require serious input, yet 5ghz 802.11ac has been a model of participation contrasted with the extensive and pugnacious advancement for 802.11n, its 2.4ghz/5ghz antecedent. As a substitute for beginning with a complete proposal and contending until 75 percent of the parts of the principles panel at last concurred (which implied incorporating four distinctive approaches to do transporter indicators and various executions of beamforming, for example), the trustees began with something much closer to a determination necessities record.

"We said, 'we require this numerous encoders, we require this type of Mimo'," as Gast puts it. Choosing the outline together ended up being a considerably more productive path of concurring on the standard, and the coordinated effort implied there was "a great deal more agreement about what was set to be in the standard" much prior on.

What's taking a breather is really building the new engineering.

Still to come: multi-client MIMO

A portion of the changes hail from more up to date, quicker processors in more current access focuses, or simply from having had the encounter of building 5ghz radios for 802.11n apparatuses for a couple of years (so when we associated a Buffalo 802.11ac right to gain entrance focus to our modest office system, we saw both speedier and more dependable wi-fi with 802.11n gadgets and a speedup on our BT Infinity association since the right to gain entrance focus could acknowledge information from the line speedier).

In any case whatever remains of it is physically focusing on remote associations with diverse gadgets utilizing diverse measures of data transmission and juggling associations with diverse necessities: that is called multi-client MIMO, and the remote chips to do it aren't primed yet.

802.11ac utilization its different reception apparatuses and beamforming capacities to send focused on signs to numerous apparatuses; an easier transmission capacity unit, for example a telephone gets a more level data transmission motion without compelling the signs sent to a higher-force, higher-data transfer capacity tablet or a note pad with a full-transfer speed 802.11ac connector to drop down to the same more level transmission capacity the way 802.11n does.

Single-client MIMO, as backed by not long from now 802.11ac right to gain entrance focuses and gadgets, utilizes beamforming to send the sign proficiently to one mechanism at once; one year from now we'll get chips that can send indicators to different units pronto —and when you can do that, you spare control on your mechanisms since the quick ones don't need to keep the radio on for as long. You can likewise make the indicator more proficient by just sending it toward apparatuses that are exchanging information and keeping the "invalid" ranges where any mechanisms that aren't uniting are placed (lessening obstruction, which can back the associations off).

There's additionally an inquiry of necessities. In the event that you're making Voip calls, you need the right to gain entrance focus to prioritise your voice calls so the line doesn't split up. "Anyway its not simply about voice going out first," Gast says. "In the event that voice goes out first in this heading, what else I can press out in some other heading in the meantime?" That may be an association that is a more level necessity yet ought to go in a heading where I can send it without obstruction. A 802.11ac framework will require the chip to haul informative content out of a more level necessity queue to transmit it off to the left while the higher necessity indicator is even now setting off to the apparatus over on the right.

You won't have the capacity to overhaul today's 802.11ac unit to work with multi-client MIMO since it needs more than only a firmware upgrade. For one thing, there's a mess of work to do simply measuring where all the gadgets are physically, both in connection to the right to gain entrance indicate and in connection to one another( (so you can pick the best channel to transmit onto keep away from impedance if, say, one individual is utilizing two units). The point when the right to gain entrance focus solicits one from those mechanisms to convey a channel estimation, it ought to return practically continuously, and numerous bits of informative data must be sent in the meantime. The chips to supervise that are as of now being created and ought to be in equipment one year from now.

Until then, the greatest velocities wi-fi producers are trusting for remain hypothetical, despite the fact that Gast is needing exceptional effects. "You won't get indisputably the top conceivable speed; you need to take some off the table on the grounds that you're transmitting different shafts and you need to take out the overhead of the channels —however the total will at present be speedier. I'd say that is a great wager. What's more as an industry we're putting a mess of cash in that wager!"

Cutting edge 802.11ac will empower the more adequate utilization of every last one of telephones and tablets we appear to need to take to work in present modern times. It will have an even greater effect to the " 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eskom vows penalties as new delay hits Medupi Technical Education

ESKOM will move to paw back cash from major builders answerable for rehashed defers in the development of its energy stations as the utility said yesterday that its leader Medupi plant might go ahead stream no less than six months after the fact than envisioned.

Eskom said Medupi might convey its first force amidst one year from now, a six-month hold-up in a venture that has been obstinate by postponements, climbing expenses, labour agitation and disgraceful workmanship.

The most cutting edge deferral methods Eskom will press on to battle to take care of power demand, despite the fact that the log jam in the economy might help pad the impacts.

Open Enterprises Minister Malusi Gigaba, who pledged in March that punishments might be encroached for postponements, on Monday said he had asked the Eskom board to create a subcommittee keeping tabs on the mega tasks, which incorporate Medupi, Kusile, Ingula and 765 transmission lines.

"The board subcommittee is to nearly screen advance and to appear for the clergyman normally on any developing dangers that may require his consideration and mediation," his office said.

Another official for gathering capital might be selected direly to guarantee close checking of Eskom's fabricate programme.

Mr Gigaba's representative, Mayihlome Tshwete, said various alternatives were being analyzed to guarantee "we don't get what we got in 2008", implying the prevailing force shutdowns that hit South Africa's industry and mining.

"This is almost always talked about at the largest amount, at Cabinet, right now," said Mr Tshwete.

Eskom CEO Brian Dames told a media preparation on Monday that Eskom had "kept in touch with Hitachi Power Africa and asked them to let us know for what reason we ought not call the exhibition bond on their evaporator contracts". The exhibition bond is a concurrence with builders, which permits the utility to penalise them for flop to meet contractual commitments.

Eskom has recently called its exhibition bond on Alstom, which is answerable for the engineering perspective, or control and instrumentation.

Mr Dames was unable to give more qualified information on the span of a conceivable punishment.

"We can't unveil that now as there will be transactions with foremen," said representative Hilary Joffe.

Such punishments are standard in imposing foundation ventures and can take years to resolution as the foremen won't voluntarily hand over monies on which they have as of recently made benefits.

Both Hitachi and Alstom embraced to react to Business Day's demands for remark, however had not done so around then of set to press keep going night.

Eskom said "basic tests" with the heater welds and the control and instrumentation frameworks had put Medupi's December conveyance date "at danger".

A more reasonable focus for the first synchronisation of the plant was the second 50% of one year from now, Eskom said. The main unit of Medupi was planned to convey 800mw of force by the close of December, out of an aggregate 4,800mw when complete.

It had at first been booked to convey its first force by April 2011. On the other hand, numerous deferrals, incorporating subsidizing and labour insecurity, have pushed this out by three years. Eskom said it might now have a supply setback of around the range of 700mw until it can get the first Medupi unit on the web.

Cape Town-based Opportune Investments portfolio administrator Chris Logan said: "I'm not under any condition astonished by this postponement, its not the first run through Eskom has disappointed us. It would appear that the association has lost a colossal measure of specialized competency and abilities inside."

The postponement will likewise increment the expense of the force station to R105bn, from the beginning gauge of R87bn at the begin of development in 2007. That is the evaluated cost after the investment charged by the funders.

"The point when the first synchronisation was moved to July 2012, the evaluated cost expanded to R91bn before investment," said Eskom account executive Paul O'flaherty. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Press Release: Latest form of Sage Pastel Evolution incorporates versatile module Technical Education

The Pastel division of Chips Enterprise Solutions has reported the new modules and emphasizes that will be incorporated in the last form of Sage Pastel Evolution, Version 6.82, which is because of be started in Zimbabwe soon.

A percentage of the new modules incorporate Evolution Mobile, Quote On Air, Inventory Optimisation module, and Service Manager, while a portion of the characteristics that will accompany this new form will be further improvements to the existing Retail Point of Sale (Pos) and Accounts Receivables /Accounts Payable modules.

Advancement Mobile is a module that might be gained entrance to utilizing a tablet. It permits sales people to do bargains requests and citations on the go and view client and stock informative content progressively.

Talking on the pending start of the most cutting edge form of Sage Pastel Evolution at a workshop had by Chips Computing at Cresta Lodge in Harare, item supervisor for Evolution in South Africa Mohammed Mosam said more organizations were beginning to move towards cellphones and tablets. He said sharp gadget innovation had come to be more productive.

Organizations were presently being compelled to embrace such mechanical patterns due to the regale that they carried.

"With Evolution Mobile you can take your bookkeeping all around. It has uprooted topographical requirements to arriving at purchasers," he said.

He said portable information take less to enter and carried more amazing speed and accessibility of qualified information.

"Development Mobile enhances administration levels. It gives you an aggressive edge, increments benefit and gives more amazing rate of return," said Mr Mosam.

He additionally said this new module had the ability to grow business outskirts and permit spellbind into new advertises.

It likewise empowers a workforce to have moment access to informative data through versatile requisitions, anyplace and at whatever time.

"It is just a matter of time before everybody gets onto it. Things are developing," he said.

Development portable has an official dashboard for business clients with the top 10 clients, generally productive clients, top expenditures, unpaid suppliers, quick moving shopper merchandise (Fmcgs) and also client offset, which might be entered effortlessly.

A different new module, Quote On Air is fog based. It might be joined with on a portable computer. It permits clients to make custom cite patterns that could be gained entrance to by the deals group and exhibited to clients anyplace.

Cite On Air additionally has a customizable interface, a simple to utilize graphical interface that makes incorporating a quote brisk and simple.

"Everything is moving towards mist. Cite on air is versatile and it permits you to define what you are pitching the client there and there," said Mr Mosam.

Caution Management is a different new module that will be presented with the last form of Sage Evolution.

It permits the client to send alarms to specified aggregations of individuals throughout set times, which could be day by day, week by week or month to month. It additionally permits the sending of mass messages to clients for notices, for example perceive of phone lines not working or power disappointment.

Stock Optimisation will be part of the most cutting edge form to be presented in June. Rather than making it a module it was chosen that it might be presented as a standard characteristic that accompanies Sage Evolution rendition 6.82.

A portion of the profits that clients will acknowledge from this characteristic incorporate a lessening in stock and stock driven costs, enhanced guaging precision, and inventory network adaptability to be more receptive to doubt.

Stock Optimisation permits one to make the same number default models as one wishes.

Another characteristic that will accompany form 6.82 in the Retail Pos module, gives the choice to run a money buoy for every till and money up costs for every client. It additionally considers combining between front and back office and gives control of money that has been accepted.

Accounts Receivables/accounts Payable Batches considers the transforming of these at head office for extensions. It additionally permits handling of debt claims, creditor liabilities and general record records, permitting the client to counterbalance transactions against receivables and payables accounts.

The general record reference field has additionally been expanded to 50 characters on all transactions in the most recent variant.

A different new characteristic, Spikes, makes it conceivable to grab irregularities in bargains slants.

"We should say you offer 10 units a month and all of a sudden you offer 20 units because of some abnormal circumstances, what the framework does is it grabs these abnormal things for the purpose that you don't go and purchase more stock. It figures out the bizarre," illustrated Mr Mosam. 

ISNR Abu Dhabi 2014 Latest Developments Announced Technical Education

The Higher Organizing Committee of the International Security, Safety and National Resilience show and meeting (Isnr 2014), the stage thoroughly blanket issues of national security and wellbeing in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) locale, uncovered today new advancements to be emphasized in Isnr's upcoming version.

Isnr Abu Dhabi will emphasize devoted structures for Homeland Security and National Resilience (Hsnr by Isnr); Information Security (Is by Isnr); and Critical Infrastructure Security by Isnr (Cis by Isnr). It will additionally offer two assembled launch occasions: Fire & Emergency Middle East (Fem) and Occupational Safety and Health Middle East (Osh Me); notwithstanding the large amount International Conference on Security Challenges, booked for March 31, 2014.

Obeid Al Kutbi, agent officer in boss of Abu Dhabi Police and Chairman of the Higher Organizing Committee for Isnr 2014 expressed: "We are sharp to blanket issues of national security under one top; we anticipate that this occasion will lure heading industry experts, government delegates, and masters from the area's open and private divisions. This will reflect Abu Dhabi's noticeable developing position in national security and versatility."

Frederic Theux, president of Reed Exhibitions Middle East, said: "The Isnr Abu Dhabi 2014 will characteristic 40% more presentation space than a year ago version with up to 23,500 sqm; with 400 exhibitors from in excess of 25 nations. It will have 15,000 senior security and crisis experts from far and wide."

The Hsnr structure concentrates on security challenges in the district, and gives incorporated answers for danger counteractive action. The Is structure is underpinned by the Uae Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (Tra) and Infosec Europe. In addition, the Cis structure will be supported by Isc West presentation and meeting.

Fem is the locale's stage for masters and open wellbeing laborers, and additionally advisors and discriminating base leaders, government elements, districts and the armed force. The Osh Me is held in vital organization with Osh Abu Dhabi. Various workshops will additionally be ordered on the Osh Me display's sidelines.

Isnr Abu Dhabi 2014 will accumulate powers and incorporated security result purchasers from segments, for example oil and gas, ports, airstrips, and banks to connect with most cutting edge innovation result suppliers.

In its fourth editition, this occasion is an unmistakable occasion on the datebook of worldwide security and security occasions in the Mena area.